As some of you saw on our Facebook page, we chose Rainier Therapeutic Riding as our charity of the month and we donated $250 to them because of you! All we asked was that you share and like our page and we’d donate as our likes grew up to $250. So thank you!
This organization is a tremendous help to wounded warriors and we were moved by the stories and the comments you posted on our Facebook page. If you are looking for a great place to support, I encourage you to check them out and see how you can help through volunteering or donations. Here is their website –
Watch for future charities that we support and be sure to share our page when you see that we’re supporting those groups so they can benefit! If you’re looking for a new gutters, skylight or roofing in Auburn, Federal Way or the general area, give us a call and we’ll be sure to give you the best service and products available. Don’t forget we also honor the GAF promotion for $300 rebate for new roofs for veterans. Again, thank you!