We’ve certainly had some warm spells this summer, with some parts of our area reaching the dreaded 90 degree mark for a day or two. Even though most of our summer high temperatures are in the mid 70s-80s, does your home often feel too warm? The thought of installing an air conditioning system or if you already have one turning it on for a few hours seems a bit excessive, there are other solutions to radiant heating that occurs in your home.
It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is in Washington, the radiant heat from the sun is absorbed by the tiles and shingles of your roofing throughout the day. The worst even comes on summer because of the extended daylight. Insulation could slow down the absorption of heat, but it can’t put a stop to scorching temperatures completely. That means your home is often at its warmest late in the afternoon and stays that way until well after dark.
Fortunately, there is a more effective way to cool down your attic. Tedrick’s Roofing contractor in Kent suggests installing solar-powered attic fans to help cool down your house. You may be thinking that this just another expense, but according to greenliving.lovetoknow.com, you stand to gain these benefits:
If your attic is vented to allow air to naturally flow through the space above your home, you may wonder what benefits are derived from installing solar powered attic fans. The benefits in regards to energy savings have to do with the fact that solar powered attic fans reduce the temperature in your attic. The benefits in general include:
- They’re quiet
- Reduces attic air temperature
- Heat transferred into your living space is minimized
- Saves energy and money because the air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard.
Fortunately, Tedrick’s Roofing is one of the few contractors for roofing in Kent WA and in Washington that offer solar-powered attic fans. Once installed, you’ll immediately feel the difference. Your home will be more comfortable and if you have air conditioning, you may not need to run it as frequently.
For more information about solar-powered attic fans and other roofing solutions, contact Tedrick’s Roofing today.
(Article Excerpt from Solar Attic Fans, greenliving.lovetoknow.com)