Your residential roofing system is the primary defense for your home against the harsh exterior elements and is a huge investment in your home. Whether your roof is brand-new or nearing its lifespan, keeping it in the best shape is essential. While typically, a shingle roof lasts up to 20 years, there are a few ways to prolong the life of your residential roofing system. These small tips can help homeowners save a lot of expenses in the long run.
Keep Gutters Clean
It is essential to clean your gutters and remove any dirt, leaves, pine needles, and debris. Clogged gutters can cause water to pool up on your residential roofing system, damaging the shingles. This can result in roof leaks and reduced lifespan of roofing shingles.
Trim Tree Branches Over the Roof
Trees are a great addition to any property. But, if they are situated too close to the roof, they can cause a host of problems. The leaves from the trees will be likely to fall onto the roof resulting in gutter blockage and causing problems caused due to clogged gutters.
Look out for any hanging tree branches, as they can rub against the shingles and damage them. In addition, heavy wind can cause tree branches to fall over your roof, causing severe damage and costly roofing repairs.
Improve Attic Ventilation
Proper attic ventilation plays a crucial role in keeping the roof healthy. Attic ventilation will prevent moisture buildup, which can cause mold and mildew to grow. Mold not only damages the insulation, but it can also damage the roofing shingles.
Get Professional Roofing Inspections
Regular roofing inspections are crucial to prolonging the life of your residential roofing system. Roof inspectors know what to look for when inspecting a residential roof. They will look for signs of damage and any other potential problems. A regular roof inspection can help a homeowner identify and fix any impending issues so that they do not turn into major problems down the lane.
Let us Inspect Your Roof
You can count on the professionals at Tedrick’s Roofing for all your residential roofing needs in Auburn, WA, including roofing inspection. Whether you think there might be something wrong with your residential roof or want to schedule a regular roofing inspection, get in touch with us today.
Learn more about our residential roofing services and other ways we can extend the life of your roof by contacting us at (206) 222-3150.